The Best and Right Material for your House Roofing

Roofing tips from All-state construction and restoration Roofing Company

All-state construction and restoration Company When you build or replace a roof, you need to choose the right style, appearance and raw materials for your roof. Residential roofing revolves around function and appearance. Homeowners often need a look of trained professionals to ensure satisfactory and cost-effective work.

Your home pattern may determine your options, forcing you, for example, to use or avoid certain types of roofing materials. Older frames may not be able to support heavier materials such as slabs or cement. People in harsh climatic zones (for example, exposed to severe and direct Gulf storms and storms) may need to think about the impact of strong winds, heavy rains, and other elements.


Here are the seven main types of roofing materials:


Cedarwood and wood panels are usually cost-effective, but they may be prone to fire. Wood roofing needs to be replaced more than other options.


This expensive material can come with a variety of types, colors, and finishes.


The most common materials used in modern commercial roofs, asphalt can be strengthened with other materials to improve its strength and resistance. Moderate in weight and very cheap, you need to replace asphalt roofing often.

Plastic products

Lightweight industrial tiles provide moderate weather resistance. It can be made to resemble most types of tiles.


This is the least affordable option for resistant tiles. The concrete is very heavy and may need to strengthen your home or building frame.


Resistant to the wind and very fire, the durability of the panels depends on their level. Paneling solution can be more applicable if you have a sharp ceiling.

Clay Tiles

Mud is made of natural materials, a "green" option that can be used on steep slopes. It is expensive and very heavy, but it can hold up well for the elements.



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All-State Construction & Restoration

7649 w colonial dr. suite 190, Orlando, FL 32818

(888) 581-1747

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